James Franco? Winning. Charlie Sheen on the other hand? Not Winning.
It’s incredible how quickly America jumped on the Charlie Sheen bandwagon. This is the same guy that directly insulted every working-class American. In his own words, he said that we live ‘boring normal lives‘ in ABC’s Andrea Canning one-on-one interview? Yet, two million and counting are following Charlie Sheen within days of opening his Twitter account.
What does this say about America’s choice in idolatry? Recall what comedian Dave Chappelle said in response to his audience members that kept yelling, Rick James bitch!:
“You know why my show is good? Because the network officials say you’re not smart enough to get what I’m doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid.”
Let’s weigh in on how James Franco and Charlie Sheen do in the drug and career categories:
James Franco #smokethatdope and was awarded Stoner of the Year by High Times magazine in 2008.
Charlie Sheen is a cocaine and alcohol addict. Enjoys sharing his addictions with others because it’s ‘magic duh‘. Sorry, there is no award for cocaine, alcohol, nor cigarette-chain smoking.
James Franco is like a Mexican, always working. He hosted the Oscars and dodged the after-parties to get on a red-eye so he could make it to his morning English Ph.D. studies at Yale University. He also, continues working on the soap series General Hospital, despite being a big Hollywood film actor. He says he really enjoys it and feels like it’s his ‘performance art’ meanwhile…
Charlie Sheen is officially fired from Two and Half Men for his manic media blitz bashing his bosses who paid him $2M per episode. I repeat they paid him $2M per episode. Mind you the show was already put on hiatus because Sheen was away in drug rehab. #notwinning
What people say about James Franco? “He goes down in his charisma, and he looks with thoughtful attention at the people around him and doesn’t display the Hollywood wattage.” -English Yale Professor, Michael Warner
What people say about Charlie Sheen? “Charlie is in a tailspin. Charlie’s got to understand what the truth is. The beautiful thing about the truth is that it requires no questions”. I want Charlie to get up out of the mud and reclaim his life and I’m praying for him. The advice I have for him is to look at himself and the truth in his heart, because what he’s doing is not true to his heart” -Actor, Gary Busey
How did Franco spend last year? Last year, he received a writing master’s from Brooklyn College, and this semester he will co-teach film editing at Columbia College Hollywood.
How did Sheen spend last year? Public feuding with his ex-wives (both have issued restraining orders against him), going on $30,ooo prostitute binges, and consuming more cocaine and alcohol.
I make the comparisons only because I want to beg the question of why people are so willing to follow a Charlie Sheen versus a James Franco character. Are we really that sick to enjoy paying wacko celebrity salaries? Or is it just too boring to see people act normal and kind?
I mean let’s face it, celebrities are all media whores in some form or another. So we should choose the lesser of two evils, right?
No judgments here, you should be able to exercise your right to vices but, exercise caution. Because when you start hurting your life, career, and those around you, how can that be winning?
We all pray that Charlie Sheen will wake up from his drug-induced stupor and return to reality like the comebacks of fellow actors, Robert Downey Jr. and Mickey Rourke. But like Charlie’s father, Martin Sheen said, he has a disease and it’s called drug addiction. He may have to hit rock-bottom for him to realize his ridiculous behavior.
Follow James Franco and Unfollow Charlie Sheen