It was just a day after I submitted my Chingo Bling article to NBC “SoundDiego” that I stumbled on his tribute to Jenni Rivera – and ummm – I almost shed a tear.
“I feel things. I express them through music. Here’s a song I wrote from a fan’s perspective. My respects to all the families affected. We love you Jenni.” -Chingo Bling
Call me loca but after hearing it and looking back at Jenni’s amazingly short life words metamorphosed: Jenni Rivera is the Mexicano’s Tupac, a second Selena. Jenni was the truth.
Seriously. Feel me on this.
Without getting too conspiracy sister on you – her life was cut way too short – right at the eclipse of when Jenni Rivera could really lay her influence on the people: Latina single moms everywhere – the same way that Tupac and Selena were about to do for us. Jenni made us feel proud to be Mexican and American. She showed us you can rock both sides of La Frontera sin verguenza. She was the antithesis of the Hollywood Latina prototype. She was articulate and could rock Español y Inglés sin Barreras. She refused to starve to death. In fact, she praised eating and cooking the traditional Mexican way. She was prudent about hard work and being methodical with her business as to secure a promising future for her children. She was ridiculously fashionable onstage with her glamorous Mexicana traditional dress costumes. Off stage she dressed like the around-the-way-girl you loved. Jenni was the type you could have shots of tequila and share secrets with.
The way we lost Tupac and Selena hurt us very much. Jenni Rivera was gangster. Jenni Rivera was La Diva de la Banda. Jenni Rivera’s life can serve as the blueprint for Latina single moms everywhere. Challenges make us stronger and better.