You can always learn a little something from all the hilarity out there in YouTube land. Like Krs-1, are you ready to be Edutained?
8. 60Mayweather, the self-proclaimed “asshole on and off the air” came onto YouTube land dissing autistic rapper 50 Tyson with his furious bars sounding like an an outtake from Method Man’s skits, “I’ll have your body smithered in half niqqa”. Rappers, including Crooked I, were reciting 60 Mayweather raps for its volatile humor.
MORAL OF THE STORY? Want to make in rap, battle non-handicapped rappers that are in your age group.
7. “Omazing Grace” yes, the song was revamped by Uncle Junebug. And how sweet the sound!
MORAL OF THE STORY? Make sure Uncle Junebug has the lyrics on paper. ‘Cause you have no one to blame but yourself.
6. “This Is Mixxie” by @PIFFYDADON ft. @CAPTNHOOK_MAINE. This right heeeerh, had Twitter and WorldStarHipHop.com laughing. WSHH even dubbed them the ‘worst rappers ever’. I never knew what #Mixxie meant til I read it on Twitter but then when I saw the video I was even more confused on the definition, or may Piffy and Maine are confused on what #Mixxie means.
MORAL OF THE STORY? Never leave your rapper teens unattended. They’re liable to jack your liquor bar and spill it on the carpet to make faux rap videos. See, now you gotta hire a carpet cleaner man. SMH.
5. Damon Dash and Cam’ron were guests on The O’Reilly Factor. Bill may have been attempting to villa-nigga-fy them on his show by having a Black school principal oppose their musical viewpoints of the hood. Little did Bill know that the two NY Hip-Hop representatives would have the tools in ’92, well actually November 12, 2003, to flip the script on Bill not being an “objective mediator” as he had proposed earlier in the show. Cam’ron and Dame killed O’Reilly with their sarcastic snaps, “You maaad, you maaad!”
MORAL OF THE STORY? G.O.P. talk show hosts need to spend a month in the hood before they start preaching and judging about the hood and Hip-Hop. And parents need to be better parents.
4. Latarian Milton is official Bebe Kids come-to-life. Cute little piggly-wiggly got mad at his mom dukes and took his grandma’s SUV and smashed it in the Costco and Walmart parking lots. The local tv news reporter inquired of Latarian, “Did you know you could perhaps kill somebody?” Bebe Numero Uno nonchalantly replied, “Yes, but I wanted to do hoodrat stuff with my friend.” His grandma said if she didn’t have to go to jail she would whoop his behind!
MORAL OF THE STORY? By any means necessary have a father-figure on deck to whoop that ass.
3. When Cali Swag District came on the scene with the contagious “Teach Me How To Dougie” back in April 2010 everybody was flipping styles on doing The Dougie. But when this foolio did The Dougie and got hit by the ice-cream truck, you knew all hell was breaking loose.
MORAL OF THE STORY? Look both ways before attempting The Dougie on the street.
2. Antoine Dodson went from sex assault fury to internet’s celebrity hero late July 2010. Dodson unleashed his Alabama hood diatribe denouncing an intruder who allegedly attempted to rape his 22-year-old sister, Kelly, in her bed one night in Alabama’s Lincoln Park. He famously denounced his sister’s perp to the local tv news reporter, “We’re looking for you. We gonna find you. I’m letting you know that. So you can run and tell that, homeboy!”
MORAL OF THE STORY? To all you rapists “We’re looking for you. We gonna find you. I’m letting you know that. So you can run and tell that, homeboy!
1. It Ain’t Over Til The Fat Lady Sangz! I never fathomed that the table would become her stage so she can do her Aretha.
MORAL OF THE STORY? Safety first. Test out your props and equipment before filming and uploading to YouTube!