You probably haven’t heard about the Texas rapper, Hi Dolla Honey. But, you should. Hi Dolla Honey, 32, is the underdog and champion for female rappers: Black, White, Puerto Rican, or Haitian – you know the rest. This year, she won a $2.1M judgement against her crooked former manager, Marcus Fleming Goree, on the grounds of embezzlement and fraud.
Hi Dolla Honey, single mom of two, took her bad situation as an opportunity to raise the bar of respect for women in the rap game. She grew up being dogged by her own substance abuse parents, then her babydaddy, and most recently her own music manager – I guess, you could say the unlikely high school valedictorian got tired of being tired and found the will to overcome.
GN$F!: It’s terrible that you won a judgement and the defendant still found another way to skip out and bail on you. How did you cope? HI DOLLA HONEY: I cope because I believe that God is my source. I feel that I took out a very evil man who was ripping off many artists. I feel that I was a champion for the independent artists in this world. I exposed him by releasing the PSA and by exposing his lies through the lawsuit and thus, destroyed his career in the music business. He didn’t take my talent, my abilities, my blessings, my anointing, or my connection to my source. Also I feel it sends a good message to ALL CON ARTISTS in this DIRTY INDUSTRY. Nemo me impune lacessit.
GN$F!: How did the judgement come to $2.1M? Was it because of how much you paid him in services? HDH: He embezzled $160,000.00. The reason the judgement was so high is because he wasted my time on purpose for so long and set out with the intention of defrauding me and embezzling my money. He had the capabilities to do at least most of the things I hired him for, he just never did it for my project. He stole my money and used it to push his artists. So after attorney fees, deceptive trade practices fines, treble damages, intentional infliction of emotional harm, etc., it totaled over $2.1M.
GN$F!: I understand you’re a single mom of two cutie pies, is it by choice? HDH: Yes, I am single by choice until I find the right man. My children’s well-being and safety is my first concern. I would really have to know someone before I even let them meet my children. I don’t want to be in a relationship just to say I have a man. I will not settle.
GN$F!: Are you afraid you may get pigeonholed with other white, female rappers like a Kreayshawn, Iggy Azalea. What sets you apart or what will you do to standout? HDH: No. For one thing that is the most obvious: I am thicker than them. I struggle sometimes with my weight. I know that that shouldn’t matter, but it does in some forms in the entertainment industry. I have had sooooooo many people belittle me and tell me I will never make it just ’cause I am too fat. Really? I’m very fit despite carrying extra weight, I workout everyday and still deal with this stigma. I don’t think they have ever dealt with that. Also, I am a mother [LOL] something they have never experienced. So we are way different there. As far as talent, I feel that we are all talented in our own ways.
GN$F!: Do you advocate for single moms in your lyrics? HDH: I do talk about being a single mom in my lyrics. In “The Birth of Hi Dolla” off Anonymous Ballin, I start with:
A young single mom, I keep fighting tho I’m scared. My babydaddy stole my car so now I’m walkin’ everywhere, I got dreams of being a star, but right now I’m on welfare – a system that’s designed to keep us broke. This shit ain’t fair. I cry tho I keep hoping, but nobody’s there to hold me. Men try to play with my emotions. Ya’ll muthafuckas phony, just want to take from me, I prefer just to be lonely.
GN$F!: Who are your rap inspirations? HDH: Eve, Missy Elliot, UGK, Ludacris, Dr. Dre, Snoop, Eminem. Of course, Jay-Z.
GN$F!: Dope to hear that you’re high school valedictorian despite being from a “broken home.” Why did you forgo on college? HDH: I didn’t go to college because I was in a relationship with the father of my children at the time. He was abusive and always told me things like I would never make it but I didn’t have anyone but him (my parents were not there for me at all that’s why I left) I wasn’t pregnant, but I didn’t have a car or any money. I did have a paid tuition for college but no way to get their or pay for books and lodging
GN$F!: What would be a gem of advice for the single mom out there on her rap grind? HDH: School is IMPORTANT. Get started Early following your dreams but make sure you get that diploma. Also focus on your career and loving yourself first and the right man will come, don’t just be in a relationship just so you wont be alone. When you go to try to make your rap career a reality, take a man friend that you can trust with you. Men in this industry are NOTORIOUS about HAVING NO RESPECT FOR WOMEN. They will think of numerous ways to lie to you. They will inflate prices and try to get over on you JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN and can’t physically challenge them or force them to do the right thing. If you bring a man with you they will be less likely to try it. Almost like a mechanic, sad but true. ALSO NEVER GIVE THE MONEY ‘TIL THEY COMPLETE THE JOB. If you do, you are screwed.
GN$F!: Who’s on repeat on your iPod? HDH: Right now it’s Miguel “Adorn” and Frank Ocean “Thinking About You.” I’m tryin’ to open myself to the possibility of love in my life and they put me in a good space.
Follow Hi Dolla Honey. She performs Dec. 14 in Washington D.C. at 9:30 Club.