As Featured on NBC 7’s “SoundDiego” music magazine TV show:
Ghetto New$ Flash’s Dita Quiñones caught up with Rodriguez, the focus of a new documentary about a ’70s singer from Detroit who became famous in Africa then vanished from the scene.
When GN$F! learned about Rodriguez being on tour – it was automatic: INTERVIEW!! For Hip-Hop fans you probably inadvertently heard him already – thanks to the sampling of his 1970 song “Sugar Man” used on Large Professor’s production on Nas’s “You’re Da Man” except the lyrics were changed from sugar man to you’re da man.
Besides the diggin’-in-the-crates aspect, I was also intrigued that Rodriguez is Mexican-American born in Detroit. His parents immigrated from Mexico to Detroit in the freaking ’20s. Plus, he shares my middle name: Rodriguez. I told him that automatically makes him my tio – great way to break the ice and get a laugh from him.
Rodriguez asks, “You know what the secret to life is?” GN$F!: What? R: Breathe in, breathe out. GN$F: Oh! [LOL]
Rodriguez is Da Man!
WATCH INTERVIEW. Follow @SoundDiegoBlog and @GhettoNewsFlash for more GN$F!
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