Wowzers Cadowzers! Let me be the first to say Zoe Saldana is one brave soul A-list actress for admitting to the racism that she’s seen and experienced in Hollywood. Being Afro-Latin descent, Boricua/Dominican, and brown-skinned, is a triple-whammy, against-all-odds scenario for an actress like her to make-it in Hollywood – actors are hush on racism because one doesn’t want to seem ungrateful nor does one want to get blacklisted for being outspoken.
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Saldana dishes on love, dance, and Hollywood in her Nylon cover story.”When they say ‘We want to go white,’ they have a very smooth way of saying it,” she said. “And the recent one is the word ‘traditional.’ [I’ve heard] ‘Oh, you know, you’re just not what we were looking for, your skin is a little darker.’ Compared to what?! My skin is just my skin. It’s dark if you compare it to someone who’s lighter.”
The “Avatar” star didn’t even think it was imaginable to get casted by James Cameron – one of the most feared directors in Hollywood – but she went in for the audition. “I’m thinking he probably imagined some Amazonian girl [for Neytiri] – I had really long hair at the time – wearing really little [expletive] with like, a bow and arrow.” said Saldana. “I had no idea she was blue and nine feet tall. But for some reason, he was like, ‘You look so much like her!'”
Check out GN$F! throwback interview with Zoe Saldana – the golden brown blockbuster actress – on her Latina cover shoot!