The last time I saw Big Sean was on BET’s “The Cypher” being featured as one of Kanye’s G.O.O.D. Music fresh out-the-box signees – so I was a bit excited to see how Big Sean would do solo-dolo on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
The outcome? A less than lackluster performance. I guess I was looking for the clean sophisticated play-with-words emcee – that we saw on BET’s “The Cypher” – put it down. But, instead I got a Slauson Swap Meet dollar sign hoodie, pants about to fall-off, gaudy gold jewelry adorned, robot rapper by the name of Big Sean. Or is just me? Or maybe he needed Chris Brown to help on the vocals and performance – He even had a live band and DJ – and the performance was still wack. SMH.
Big Sean’s album “Finally Famous” will debut June 28th.