Did you get to see Bill O’Reilly and Lupe Fiasco go at it? It wasn’t what I thought it would be. I think it was over-edited and the debate never really got to the bottom of things of who the real terrorist is. What we do know is that O’Reilly thinks that fans of rappers aren’t the brightest bulbs nor are they P.h.D. graduates. But, wait– neither are talk show hosts and who is O’Reilly to talk? He doesn’t hold a P.h.D. either.
One thing O’Reilly is certain to do is to pick on rappers and hope they fall apart on his show for ratings. But hey, that’s his hustle and he’s good at it. Plus, he gives rappers an opportunity to back up their words in an arena where GOPs are actually watching – and conversation between two opposing parties is always a good thing.