Wowzers Cadowzers – with a standing ovation – for Lil’ Wayne’s new music video “How To Love”. It’s sort of an ode to women a la Tupac “Keep Ya Head Up.” All women and men need to watch this video. Major wake-up call to the fragility of a woman’s confidence that is based on love and respect.
Directed by Chris Robinson, Lil’ Wayne shows a softer side as he tells the cyclical story of a troubled woman and her (equally affected) daughter. Wayne sings over guitar strumming as we watch the woman, played by Chanta Patton, prepare to have an abortion.
However, she changes her mind last-minute and gives birth to a young girl who, as the years pass, will watch her mother be abused, visit her father in prison, become a victim of molestation, work as a stripper and prostitute, and later contract HIV/AIDS.
Actor Tristan Wilds and Darris Love also makes an appearance.
“I have a daughter, Wayne has a daughter, and he really wanted to tell the story,” Robinson told MTV News. “We were talking about statistics of abuse in our community. We were talking about really telling this story for every young woman in the world.”