Teena Marie’s daughter was very shaken when she made the 911 call on Sunday soon after discovering her mother’s body at their Pasadena home.
Tina Marie suffered a grand mal seizure a month before her death. She also received two broken ribs after falling during that seizure.
The L.A. County Coroner’s Office have said signs point to death from natural causes. But “natural causes” could be death from a seizure. They also found diazepam — an antiseizure drug — at Marie’s home, but it was well known that she had stopped taking the medicine and replaced it by taking herbal remedies instead.
TMZ reports:
Friends say on Saturday night someone slept in the same room with Teena and left in the morning. Teena was talking with her bodyguard at around 11:30 AM. She went back to bed in the early afternoon — no one was with her when she slept. Teena’s daughter checked in with her at around 1 PM and Teena was fine. But at around 3 PM, Teena’s daughter checked in with her again, and found her unresponsive.
You can listen to the 911 Call here:
**WARNING — this tape is EXTREMELY emotional ** ghettonewsflash-queendita-teena_marie_911