Wowzers! This movie right here?! *Katt William’s voice. Truly, this will blow your mind. It’ll open your eyes on the truth of our so-called economic crisis. And how it is all a scam to keep people oppressed under debt and health problems. Jacque Fresco,industrial designer and designer of The Venus Project, bravely points out that all the economic and environmental problems we encounter can be solved. He even proves that the surface of the Earth can be rebuilt in ten years.
The director of the documentary fills his movie with major power financiers and thinkers to explain the nonsense of our economy. Moreover alarming facts are stated, 60% of countries will be bankrupt, their debts will be sold to another country with higher interest rates, which in turn will collapse country’s economies. Similar to Goldman Sachs’ collusion of Greece’s debt, which almost caused the collapse of Europe’s economy. You will also learn, how much better humans would be if we lived off of a sustainable “Resource-Based Economy”, or buying on a as-needed basis versus the materialistic, indulgent, false unhealthy lifestyles we lead today.
“Zeitgeist: Moving Forward” is planned to be released in 60+ countries and in 20+ languages starting January 15th 2011. This large scale release is not associated with any major distributor.
DVD/INTERNET RELEASE – This is a non-commercial project, which means it will be available for free acquisition via internet in both viewing form and full DVD download. physical $5.00 DVD’s are now available.