At a Wal-Mart in Ariz., Nicci Paige Rounsaville, 24 year-old mother, was approached by prevention-loss security after receiving customer reports of shoplifting. In an attempt to flee security – while carrying her baby in-arms – she caused her child’s forehead to strike the store’s glass sliding doors – and it was all caught on camera.
What else was caught on camera? Read on to hear what local police reported:
“As you see in the video, she strikes a child’s head in the door-frame as she runs out of the store. She runs out to the car she has parked in a handicapped spot, puts the child in the car with no safety restraint – just puts the child in the front seat of the car,” said Chandler Police Sgt. Joe Favazzo.
But check it – she was never arrested even after the hit-and-run with another Wal-Mart customer’s car. It wasn’t until a few days later, May 26, she was arrested for shoplifting nail products from her local nail shop.
Upon custody, officers discovered she had a warrant for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
What are her charges? Criminal damage, child abuse, shoplifting, and outstanding warrants.
Yes, ma’dear #wtflocka! But I’m sure homegirl had a rough life, desperation, and lack of hope made her do this.